TRIVIA NIGHT Reservations June 11


TRIVIA NIGHT Reservations June 11

from $1.00

Tuesday June 11 , 7:00-9:30pm

Join trivia master and The Southern Growl founder/owner Matt Bowes for an evening of healthy competition. Trivia at The Southern Growl is not themed, but there is always a beer round, obviously.

To guarantee a table for your team reservations are required. Please count any children toward the reservation number, as this is what decides your table size. They do not have to be included in your total if they will be in a stroller or high chair. When making your reservation, please let us know under “Accommodations” if you will have a child in a high chair or stroller so we can plan ahead to give you a table that will work well for you.

100% of the reservation fee will be donated to the local non-profit Project HOPE Foundation.

Trivia will take place in the indoor dining room and Fermentory(21+). Trivia table reservations begin at 6pm. The Patio will be open 6-10pm for anyone not playing trivia.

Trivia will begin promptly at 7pm. Teams with no one present at 7pm will forfeit their reservation without a refund.

Any remaining reservations will be available day-of first come, first served.

Winning Team will receive a $50 gift card and 2 six packs of TSG beer!

Team Size:
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